Tuesday, July 08, 2008

My Latest Rant Regarding Insecure Males...

If you are easily offended (i.e. insecure and intimidated) you probably don't want to read beyond this sentence. Those of you who know me know that I tell it like it is and tend to be a rather strong personality. Those of you who really know me are shaking your heads, smiling and saying to yourselves, "Oh, boy, here she goes again."

Oh, and you secure males...enjoy. I am sure this will look familiar. You will probably recognize these guys in some of your buddies. Have a good laugh.

It seems that lately I am encountering more and more insecure men. What a headache! While I do know some men who are wonderfully secure and sure of themselves, I know many who are not.

Note to you guys out there…insecurity is SO not sexy! I realize that insecurity is a natural step in a child’s development, but, please, by the time a boy reaches adulthood he should be well past the insecure, one-upmanship, competitive, derisive, childish antics! Enough already!

The way I see it, when a man feels threatened by me because of his own insecurity, that is HIS problem. It is not my job to boost his fragile male ego and pump up his self esteem. I have three children I am raising; I don’t need another child on my hands. If this seems cold, try walking a mile in my shoes. As I said, I am fed up. I am one of the most supportive people you will ever meet, but when I come up against these boors I can quite easily turn away and turn off that nurturing, caring, supportive nature.

I regularly come up against insecure males who want to compete with me and (I guess) impress the incessant disclosure of their resumes.

I can tell you right now that not one of these men knows any of the experience and knowledge that I possess. They have not taken the time to find out and I am not so eager to reveal – particularly when they are on the verge of open warfare with me.

They aren’t worth my time anyway, though.

Truth be told, based on what these insecure little boys in big man bodies have told me, my experience and knowledge extends far, far beyond what they possess. Perhaps they realize this on some primal level and it scares the living hell out of them. Gasp! A WOMAN is smarter than they are! They may have to start letting girls in the boy’s club! The horror!

So while yet another obnoxious, insecure male, feeling obviously intimidated by me, stands before me, talking down to me, trying his damndest to engage me in a pissing contest, I have to stifle a chuckle, shake my head and almost pity the poor sap. He has no clue, no clue at all.

Haha, but I have these guys pegged! Pay attention, girls, this is useful stuff. The insecure male will come in, attempting to create conflict (start a fight), talking down to you and treating you as if you are devoid of intelligence and common sense. Now, maybe they are addicted to the adrenaline rush that is created by conflict, or perhaps their pre frontal cortex is underactive and conflict acts as a stimulus, whatever the case, they are looking for some sort of stimulation, they need it.

Don’t give it to them. If you don’t give them their fix, you can effectively take away their power and take control of the situation. FYI, this works for both sexes, but for the purpose of this rant, I am speaking of males.

Oh, and when you find a guy who is secure and not intimidated by you, value him, whether it is in the workplace, among your friends or in a romantic relationship. These guys are gems, you can talk to them. In other words, don’t carry your baggage with you. Don’t automatically assume that just because every other ya-hoo you have ever encountered is an insecure, immature head case. Give guys the benefit of the doubt. If they have “issues” it won’t be long and they will reveal them to you. Just know what you are looking for and make a wide berth around insecure males.

Stay ahead of the game, ladies.

It is great being a girl. But being a smart girl? It’s freakin’ awesome!

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