Monday, July 21, 2008

Metro Monday

So, yeah, Metro was HELL this morning!

It started out, OK, I stepped out onto the street and into the Washington sauna bright and early. I was right on schedule. I stopped long enough to plug into my MP3 and I was off. It is only 4 blocks or so to the Metro station from where I am staying so it was a rather quick walk.

I was warm, but it wasn’t too bad. I was listening to a little Korn to get my day started. I hit all the Walk signs and breezed right through, Life was good.

Then I got to the Q Street entrance of the Dupont Circle Metro.

All I can say is W-O-W.

The escalator was out. Not good.

If you have ever been to the Q Street Station, you know that the escalator there is something in the neighborhood of 5,000 miles long. Well, maybe not that long, but it is pretty long and very steep. Now, something I have not yet revealed to you is that I am acrophobic. VERY acrophobic. This means that when I am confronted with heights, I get dizzy and almost paralyzed with fear.

But down I went into the bowels of the city, one tentative step at a time.

At this point you may be asking why I did not simply take the elevator down.

Just shut up, OK? I don’t want to talk about it! (Actually, it did not occur to me until I was halfway down the stalled escalator and had to stop because I had a tremendous wave of dizziness.)

I survived, though, and made it to the bottom without falling or passing out (Score!).

My ride to the Gallery Place station was uneventful, but, man, once I got on the Yellow Line, the story changed. The Yellow Line was having major issues this morning and we sat at the GP station for what seemed eons although I am sure it was only 10 – 15 minutes or so.

I finally made it to L’Enfant Plaza, somewhat warmer, a little wilted and running late. Terrific. So, I go to the gates and wouldn’t you know, my SmartCard refused to work. The nice attendant checked it for me, told me it was good, the gate just didn’t open. He let me through the little gate. I felt so special.

As I approached the escalator to ascend to the street I noticed that there were more “over achiever power climbers” on the escalators than usual. As I got closer I realized that the up escalators were out.

You’re kidding me, right?

And there I stood; a dilemma before me…

Do I climb the 80 gazillion stairs to escape the Metro Station and get to work? Or do I locate the elevator, dodge cars to get across the street and get to work?

Oh! The choices!

Forget it. Not climbing the stairs; not that proud. Elevator it is. So, I wandered around down there, looking for the elevator. I found it (just followed the crowd) and squeezed onto the tiny, hot, airless car along with at least 10 of my now closest friends (we were real up close and personal!).

I hit the street, made it across (yea!) and got to work just a couple of minutes late. I was hot, sweaty, tired and almost crabby, but the cute security guard flirted with me and said I looked nice today, then a lady on the elevator complimented my blouse and said I always wore the prettiest clothes. When I got to my desk, my friend was there and I was able to give her a couple of blouses. She was very happy to get them and that made me feel good.

Now it is a little after 9 am and I am going for my morning coffee in a little under an hour.

Life is good.

It’s gonna be a great day!

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