Saturday, July 05, 2008

Happy 4th!

Last night was amazing! Fourth of July in Washington, DC with great friends, cool fireworks and lots of fun! My friend, Jeff, is out of town so he couldn't join us, but Staci, Michael and I walked down to G-Town.

We had a couple of drinks at one place, then we moved on to another great place and ended up at Chadwick's. There we had rootbeer bottlecaps (fantastic drink - just like the candy!) and dinner. I had never been to Chadwick's, but I will most definitely be back. The food there is awesome!

When it was time for the fireworks, we went outside to the waterfront and watched the display. It was beautiful.

Most people don't understand how significant it is for me to be in DC for the fourth, joining in the celebration. See, my father was Air Force, he was in politics, I was a poli sci major in college and I grew up with a very patriotic father. He was very idealistic and completely believed in the beauty, wonder and greatness of our country. He passed all that on to me. So, standing there last night, knowing where I was, seeing my life change and move in a direction I never dreamed possible, I was just so happy to be right there, right then.

Quite often it is the simple pleasures in life that carry us away...

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