Friday, July 18, 2008

Looking to the Weekend...

It is finally Friday!

I am looking forward to the weekend, need to rest and recharge.

As I move through this personal journey upon which I have embarked, I am noticing things about the people who have been in my life.

Some of them are extremely unhealthy! I don't mean physically unhealthy, I mean emotionally and mentally unhealthy. Some have serious issues.

It seems that the healthier I get, the more glaring their unhealthiness is to me. It is a shock that I did not see it before, but I guess I had to get myself healthy and level before I could see others for what they are.

I am not just talking about romantic relationships, I mean many people in my life. Although, I will say that some of the people with whom I was romantically linked were and are not very emotionally healthy and I can see patterns in their families as well. Why did I not see this before?

I am very happy, though, that I am now at a point in my life where I have recognized that things that I needed to change, made the changes and am SO MUCH better because of it.

Unfortunately, I must leave the sick people in my rearview mirror...

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