Thursday, June 26, 2008

It's Just A Typical Thursday...

I guess I am not so great at keeping this up lately. I have been so busy, but I am trying to do better.

We had some folks check out yesterday at work. They are headed home and to various disasters. Godspeed to them.

This left me with a very inviting unoccupied cubicle this morning. I passed it the first time with barely a glance. The second time, however, an interesting looking book caught my eye. Apparently it had been left behind and was just lying on the desk. I think I heard it calling to me.

I could not refuse, could not shut out the siren like sound of all the goodies that were possibly contained within the confines of the various drawers and cabinets.

I helplessly succumbed to the temptation - it was just too great.

You should know that around here pilfering is an art form. When someone checks out or moves, swarms descend upon the area to eagerly grab anything "good" that may have been left behind.

If you have thumbtacks, you can barter for just about anything.

I now have TWO boxes!

I also picked up a canvas shopping bag, paperclips, a couple of pens, a stapler, hand sanitizer, white out and duct tape (don't really know what I will do with that, but I am sure it will come in handy at some point!).

My former cellmate (uh, cube mate), an older gentleman from Hungary, was an expert at the art of pilfering. More than once I have suggested he write a handbook...

As his protege' I learned from the master and can stealthily swoop in and grab the goods without detection. (If you attract too much attention, others will come in and begin grabbing what they want - you might miss out on something way cool)

So, now I sit here with my canvas bag, thumbtacks and duct tape (for which I am still figuring out a creative use). What to do? What to do?

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