Tuesday, June 17, 2008


That was what my friends in college called me. At the time it was pretty cool. Even though I was 31, as a college student, regardless of age, you live in a somewhat protected envorinment. Back then, it seems like another life, people respected me for my intelligence. Well, most of them anyway. The man I was married to didn't appreciate it all that much - I still carry those scars.

That was my wake up call, though. I was shaken from my idealic little world and brutally thrust into reality. That first punch came from no where, but I was ready for the next one...I never fought back, it wasn't my way. Always the creative problem solver, I began to work on a way to get him out of my house and eventually out of my life - with minimal casualties.

And we all survived.

I learned the hard way, I guess, that some, no, many, men are threatened by a smart woman. Now, I don't claim to the all that exceptionally intelligent. For instance, I am not smart enough to be intimidated by people. But I can hold my own.

The problem is that the men I have met either make me feel guilty for being smart or they fiercely compete with me.

Why can't we all just get along???

I wonder if I will ever find someone who just lets me be me? I mean, why can't I find someone who thinks it's cool I am smart and just goes with it? There is so much more to me...I am tired of "dumbing down" so some male won't feel threatened or feel like he has to compete with me. Good grief, it isn't that big of a deal! Why can't we learn from each other? Why can't we each contribute and enrich each other's lives?

I wish I could find someone who would accept me just the way that I am...

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